THE BEAT WENT ON : Late Works by Sutter Marin
Posted on | October 23, 2016 | Comments Off on THE BEAT WENT ON : Late Works by Sutter Marin
Known as a beat era artist and poet, Sutter Marin’s extraordinary paintings of the 70’s and 80’s were far out of the visual arts mainstream. Marin’s paintings will be exhibited and accompanied by works by other artists of his milieu, including Paul Beattie, Dorr Bothwell, Roy DeForest, Howard Foote, Madeline Gleason, Mel Hanson, Charles Howard, Robert Howard, Harry Jacobus, Frank Koci, Jose Ramon Lerma, Mary Tuthill Lindheim, Seymour Locks, Mary Fuller McChesney, Robert Pearson McChesney, Louis Nadalini, Nathan Oliveira, Red Dog Pieface (Peter Bailey), Deborah Remington, Rosalinda Ruiz Scarfuto, Louis Bassi Siegriest, Lundy Siegriest, Reese Thornton, and Julius Wasserstein.
A new selection of antique, modern and contemporary artwork in all media from the gallery collection will also be on display. Other artists include John Anderson, Robyn Beattie, Morris Graves, Tim Haworth, John Langley Howard, Sherrie Lovler, Michael Ramos, Alejandro Salazar, Mary Silverwood, Seymour Tubis, and more..