Calabi Gallery

Featuring an Eclectic Array of Primarily 20th Century Artwork

Michael Ramos

Please scroll down for larger images and information. Prices available upon request.

            Ramos, Organic Moment Ramos, Winters Perch Ramos, Dragon's Perch Ramos, Unexpected Guest Ramos, Abstract Elephant Ramos, Red Sky Ramos, Pure Energy Ramos, Illusion Wall Ramos, An Observer Ramos, Space Carnival Ramos, Levels Ramos, Puzzled

Interstellar Climb by Michael Ramos, 2024, Acrylic on Canvas, 48 x 30

Constant Change by Michael Ramos, 2023, Acrylic on Canvas, 24 x 40

A Place to Explore by Michael Ramos, 2022, Acrylic on Canvas, 45 x 28

Global Warning by Michael Ramos, 2021, Acrylic on Canvas, 40 x 30

Four Balloons by Michael Ramos, 2021, Acrylic on Canvas, 36 x 36

Acrylic on Canvas by Michael Ramos, 2020

Twist ‘n’ Turn in 2020 by Michael Ramos, 2020, Acrylic on Canvas, 30 x 30

Moon Magic by Michael Ramos, 2020, Acrylic on Canvas, 36 x 36

Mysteryscape by Michael Ramos, 2019, Acrylic on Canvas, 36 x 30

False Fire by Michael Ramos, 2019, Acrylic on Canvas, 36 x 30

Untitled by Michael Ramos, 2017, Acrylic on Canvas, 40×36

Organic Blue by Michael Ramos, 2017, Acrylic on Canvas, 40×30

Self Portrait by Michael Ramos, 2014, Acrylic on Canvas, 45×28

Ramos, Organic Moment

Organic Moment by Michael Ramos, 2014, Acrylic on Canvas, 50×28

Ramos, Winters PerchWinters Perch by Michael Ramos, 2013, Acrylic on Canvas, 30×40

Ramos, Dragon's PerchDragon’s Perch by Michael Ramos, 2015, Acrylic on Canvas, 30×48

Ramos, Unexpected GuestUnexpected Guest by Michael Ramos, 2015, Acrylic on Canvas, 24×36

Ramos, Abstract ElephantAbstract Elephant by Michael Ramos, 2015, Acrylic on Canvas, 24×36

Ramos, Red SkyRed Sky by Michael Ramos, 2015, Acrylic on Canvas, 36×40

Ramos, Pure EnergyPure Energy by Michael Ramos, 2014, Acrylic on Canvas, 28×45

Ramos, Illusion Wall

Illusion Wall by Michael Ramos, 2014, Acrylic on Canvas, 36×30

Ramos, An ObserverAn Observer by Michael Ramos, 2014, Acrylic on Canvas, 36×40

Ramos, Space Carnival

Space Carnival by Michael Ramos, 2014, Acrylic on Canvas, 48×30

Ramos, Levels

Levels by Michael Ramos, 2014, Acrylic on Canvas, 45×28

Ramos, Puzzled

Puzzled by Michael Ramos, 2012, Acrylic on Canvas, 48×30

Michael RamosMy name is Michael Ramos.
I’m a self taught artist who up until about five years ago was just dabbling in the creative process. I had what I like to call an artistic awakening in 2008 and have been working steadily since. The 1st couple of years I spent working on paper experimenting with water soluble media and towards the end of july 2010 began work with acrylic on canvas.  I feel I’m just scratching the surface of the internal world inside and trying my best to venture into the unknown as patiently and fearlessly as possible. I’m never sure what energy will be available with each new beginning and most of all trying to stay out of my own way in that process. It’s way to easy to over think and get lost in the horrible ego zone which speaking for myself shuts off the creative channel. I will have better quality   photos soon, but decided to just get this ball rolling with what I have. I hope some of you can resonate with my work and simply enjoy my slow but steady process. I also hope to have many more artistic adventures to share as time moves on. Thanks for viewing my happy and humble beginnings.

– From Michael Ramos Website

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