The Human Presence in Art
Posted on | March 9, 2013 | Comments Off on The Human Presence in Art
Portraiture, figure studies, and genre paintings have long been staples of art production. At their best, as in all great art, the subject matter is just a vehicle for a far deeper expression of feeling or thought. While abstractions, still lives, and landscapes may or may not directly reference human beings or their influence on the world around them, they can be quite revealing of the artists’ inner worlds. Thus, I think it’s safe to say all art inherently expresses the human presence. So, whether showing the inside, outside, or both, this is an exhibit of a broad range of humanistic expression.
Artists include: Clinton Adams, Ella Alluisi, Valenti Michael Angelo, Doug Ballou, Genevieve Barnhart, Raymond Barnhart, Dorothy Geraldine Baugh, Alberoi Bazile, Paul Beattie, Carl Beetz, Karl Benjamin, Remy Blanchard, Benjamin Canas, T. C. Cannon, Jean Charlot, Bernard Childs, Roy De Forest, Francis DeErdely, William Dole, Holly Downing, Easton, Charles Griffin Farr, Michelle Ferandell, Roy Forkum, Ben Foster, Pamela Glassock, J. T. Gody, James Ford Grant, Karen Green, Fran Hardy, Alexander Harrison, Joseph Hirsch, John Langley Howard, Raymond Howell, Joyce Ertel Hulbert, Mary Jarvis, Ynez Johnston, Kai-sa, Emmanuel Mané-Katz, Gene Kloss, Walter Egel Kuhlman, Bertha Landers, Mary Tuthill Lindheim, Carolyn Lord, John Lynch, Kate Maher, Mary Fuller McChesney, Robert Pearson McChesney, Michael McMillan, Émile René Ménard, Emmanuel Catarino Montoya, Perham Nahl, Irving Norman, Maud Oakes, Karima Muyaes, Otis Oldfield, Nathan Oliveira, Philip Pearlstein, Carol Peek, Isabelle Proust, Mina Pulsifer, Christian Quintin, Saul Raskin, Arturo Rivera, Noel Rockmore, Yankton Sioux, Millard Sheets, Emil Izzy Sher, Otto Wolfgang Spiess, Jim Spitzer, Richard Stephens, Edna Lehnhardt Stoddart, Jan Stussy, Dick Swift, Albin Templeman, Earl Thollander, Seymour Tubis, Unknown, Unsigned, Edouard Vysekal, Richard Wagener, Anna Walinska, William T. Wiley, Penny Wolin, Zev (Daniel Harris)
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