Calabi Gallery

Featuring an Eclectic Array of Primarily 20th Century Artwork

Memorial for John Starkey – Wednesday, April 17th 6-9pm

A Memorial Gathering with friends and family to celebrate the life of our dear friend John Lawrence Starkey will be held at the Calabi Gallery on Wednesday, April 17th from 6-9pm.    We realize not everyone knew John, but we wanted to put out the word for all those who loved him. For any further questions […]

A World of Art

We are displaying an eclectic mix of art from various times and places, in many media. Included are works by Paul Beattie, Hans Burkhardt, Rafael Canoga, Easton, Claire Falkenstein, Karen Green, Charles H. Howard, Sutter Marin, Michael McCabe, Mary Fuller McChesney, Robert Pearson McChesney, Louis Earnest Nadalini, Pablo Picasso, Louis Siegriest, the late great James Spitzer, Seymour Tubis, Elisabeth […]

From the Russian River to Santa Fe

A unique showing of pastels and acrylics by Mary Silverwood will be exhibited at Calabi Gallery throughout the holiday season. Creating brilliant magic with pastels, Silverwood captured the luminous landscapes of Sonoma County and the Southwest. Born in Bryan, Texas, Mary Silverwood described herself as a studio artist and a painter since the age of […]

“From the Russian River to Santa Fe” Opening Reception Saturday, December 1st 4-8pm

High Desert Spring by Mary Silverwood, Pastel, 28 x 40 From the Russian River to Santa Fe FEATURING BRILLIANT COLORIST MARY SILVERWOOD (1932-2011) OPENING RECEPTION: Saturday, December 1st 4-8pm // EXHIBITION DATES: December 1st, 2018 – January 11st, 2019 A unique showing of pastels and acrylics by Mary Silverwood will be exhibited at Calabi Gallery […]

Art of Social Commentary

“Art of Social Commentary” features numerous artists, both historical and contemporary, weighing in on myriad issues of concern. A special feature is an installation by Emmanuel Catarino Montoya which opines on immigration in the new America : “The Border Crossed Us!” by Emmanuel Catarino Montoya, 2016, Woodcut Prints mounted on foamcore board and Digitally Printed Images […]

“Art of Social Commentary” opening reception Saturday, October 13th 4-8pm

The Border Crossed Us! by Emmanuel Catarino Montoya, 2016, Woodcut Prints mounted on foamcore board and Digitally Printed Images on Theatrical Scrim Panels, 10 x 10 x 18 ART OF SOCIAL COMMENTARY OPENING RECEPTION: Saturday, October 13th 4-8pm // EXHIBITION DATES: October 13th – November 24th, 2018 “Art of Social Commentary” features numerous artists, both historical […]

The Fantastic Vision of Alejandro Salazar Opening Reception Saturday, August 25th 4-7pm

Figure Birthing by Alejandro Salazar, 2017, Oil on Canvas, 24 x 30 The Fantastic Vision of Alejandro Salazar OPENING RECEPTION: Saturday, August 25th 4-7pm // EXHIBITION : August 25th – October 6th, 2018 Calabi Gallery is excited to present “The Fantastic Vision of Alejandro Salazar!” Born and raised in Colima, Mexico, Salazar has been widely exhibited throughout the United […]

Reception POSTONED until Saturday, August 25th 4-7pm

Figure Birthing by Alejandro Salazar, 2017, Oil on Canvas, 24 x 30 Due to the extension of our current exhibition and postponement of our upcoming exhibition, we will NOT be hosting a reception tomorrow, Saturday August 11th. Our next opening reception featuring the visionary art of Alejandro Salazar will be held on SATURDAY, AUGUST 25th from […]

Mid-Summer Celebration Wednesday, July 25th 5-8pm

“The Cliff House, 1900” by Iva Hladis, 2015, Graphite on Paper, 12 x 12 MID-SUMMER CELEBRATION – Please join us for the last chance to view “Migrations” featuring the art of Iva Hladis during evening hours on Wednesday, July 25th from 5-8pm. An eclectic selection of new gallery acquisitions as well as old favorites are also exhibited. “Migrations” […]


Calabi Gallery is pleased to present the art of Iva Hladis. Iva Hladis was born in communist Czechoslovakia in 1965. In 1985 she escaped and settled in Rome, Italy. After a year in Rome, she was granted political asylum in the United States, and lived in Los Angeles for the next 29 years. Hladis recently moved […]

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