Calabi Gallery

Featuring an Eclectic Array of Primarily 20th Century Artwork


Posted on | March 11, 2012 | Comments Off on 100 YEARS OF BAY AREA ART

The San Francisco Bay Area has produced a rich and varied art legacy. Its natural beauty and reputation as a progressive oasis on the western frontier have always been magnetic to artists. Unfortunately, the gallery representation and promotion necessary to drive patronage have historically failed to keep pace with artistic production. This imbalance may have actually enhanced creativity, since pandering to a commercial market which doesn’t exist would be pointless.  In any case, much Bay Area art of the last 100 years has a flavor unique to the region.

This exhibition is not intended to be an encyclopedic survey, but rather a very personal selection of artists and styles. Artists include: Ella Alluisi, Valenti Michael Angelo, John Annesley Jr., Doug Ballou, Genevieve Barnhart, Raymond Barnhart, Paul Beattie, Carl BeetzWarren Bellows, Joseph Bennet, Bernice Bing, Carol Oscar Borg, Dorr Bothwell, Ray Boynton, Minerva ChapmanWill Collier, Ed Corbett, Harold Christopher Davies, Roy De Forest, Harold Mallette Dean, Holly Downing, Victor Duena, Easton, Claire Falkenstein, Faralla, Charles Griffin Farr, Judith Foosaner, Helen Forbes, Pamela Glasscock, Evelyn Glaubman, James Ford Grant, Karen Green, Edward Hagedorn, John Haley, Charles Howard, John Langley Howard, Joyce Ertel Hulbert, John Ihle, Robert Bruce InverarityMary Jarvis, Ynez Johnston, Amedee Joullin, Reuben Kadish, Gene KlossWalter Kuhlman, Mary Tuthill Lindheim, Jill London, Carolyn Lord, Kate Maher, Mary Fuller McChesney, Robert P. McChesney, Michael McMillan, Marion G. Messinger, Emmanuel Catarino Montoya, Perham Nahl, Nathan Oliveira, Barbara OlmstedHarold Persico Paris, Carol Peek, Ida M. Podchernikoff, Ursula Schneider, Louis Siegriest, Nell Sinton, Antonio Sotomayor, Jim Spitzer, Juliette SteeleEdna Lehnhardt Stoddart, James Everett Stuart, Albin Templemen, Earl Thollander, Seymour Tubis, Herman Volz, Julius Wasserstein, Glenn Wessels, Penny Wolin, Zev, and more…

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