Calabi Gallery

Featuring an Eclectic Array of Primarily 20th Century Artwork

“Recent Work by Gallery Artists” Online Exhibition

Visual artists have continued to create wonderful work in spite of the horrendous conditions of our times. We have suffered through 4 years of fascistic leadership, 3 years of widespread fires, and nearly 1 year of a killer virus, not to mention racist violence by police and others. Many people are out of work, and performing artists especially have been unable […]

New Online Exhibition “Recent Work by Gallery Artists”

Shell Beach Opalescence by Carolyn Lord, Watercolor, 22 x 30 R E C E N T   W O R K   BY   G A L L E R Y   A R T I S T S Visual artists have continued to create wonderful work in spite of the horrendous conditions of our times. […]

Art Without Borders

In response to sheltering at home, we invite you to view and enjoy our first online only exhibition. Aside from the xenophobic sentiments expressed by certain Washingtonians, the rest of the world has been generally united in this battle against a common enemy. In solidarity with all the people of the world, this show features art […]

Enjoy our first online only exhibition Art Without Borders!

Le Malade by Lionel St. Eloi, Circa 1980, Oil on Canvas, 44 × 36 A R T    W I T H O U T    B O R D E R S In response to sheltering at home, we invite you to view and enjoy our first online only exhibition. Aside from the xenophobic […]

“It’s All Good!” Opening Reception Saturday, August 10th 4-8pm

Extended Solo by Douglas Ballou, 2014, Mixed Media, 11 × 42 “It’s All Good!” Opening Reception: Saturday, August 10th4-8pm // Exhibition Dates: August 10th– October 12th, 2019 A group show of gallery artists working in a variety of styles and media. Artists include Adela Akers, Douglas Ballou, Warren Bellows, Holly Downing, Pamela Glasscock, Peter Holbrook, Joyce […]

LOVE from Calabi Gallery

Untitled by Robert Hudson, 2000, Acrylic & Collage on Paper, 30×22 Wishing you Love and Happiness on Valentines Day!   Calabi Gallery is currently exhibiting our first Gallery Group Show of 2018, featuring the full range of our inventory including antique, modern and contemporary artwork in all medias.   Stay tuned for a special reception […]

After The Fire

“After The Fire” was created for a public gathering of art lovers, in celebration of the end of the recent horrific blazes, and the rebuilding of normalcy in our beautiful Sonoma County community. The gallery will be partially rehung with several mini shows including a Pop Up of poignant fire imagery by photographer Penny Wolin. […]

Gallery Group Show Opening Reception Saturday, August 26th 4-8pm

Scarlet and Cup, Invasion of the Dixie (Cup) Series by Gronk, 1990, Color Lithograph, 43/50, 54×38 Opening Reception: Saturday, August 26th 4-8pm Exhibition Dates: August 26th – October 14th, 2017 Please join us for this years Gallery Group Show featuring our contemporary gallery artists as well as a special selection of artwork from our vintage collection! Opening Reception will be held on Saturday, August 26th from 4-8pm. […]

“We Shall Overcome” Exhibition Extended with Closing Reception Thursday, April 6th 5-8pm & Save The Date Saturday, April 22nd 4-8pm

100 Thousand Poets for Change by Jim Spitzer, Oil on Panel, 32×31-1/2 – Click for info on 100 Thousand Poets for Change Our current exhibition “We Shall Overcome” showing Art of Defiance and Resistance to Illicit Governance and Corporate Malfeasance has been extended until Saturday, April 15th! Please join us for a CLOSING RECEPTION on Thursday, April 6th from 5-8pm for […]