Calabi Gallery

Featuring an Eclectic Array of Primarily 20th Century Artwork

“The Immigrants” Online Exhibition

Our new online show features works by immigrants to the United States from all over the world. The purpose is to show the value that immigration brings to our country, bringing fresh perspectives and rich diversity. A closed society tends to suffocate creativity. Our cultural landscape is enhanced by every new voice. This is not […]

View Our Online Exhibition “The Immigrants”

Mary Rose by Alejandro Salazar, Oil on Canvas, 12 x 24 T H E    I M M I G R A N T S Our new online show features works by immigrants to the United States from all over the world. The purpose is to show the value that immigration brings to our country, […]

A World of Art

We are displaying an eclectic mix of art from various times and places, in many media. Included are works by Paul Beattie, Hans Burkhardt, Rafael Canoga, Easton, Claire Falkenstein, Karen Green, Charles H. Howard, Sutter Marin, Michael McCabe, Mary Fuller McChesney, Robert Pearson McChesney, Louis Earnest Nadalini, Pablo Picasso, Louis Siegriest, the late great James Spitzer, Seymour Tubis, Elisabeth […]