Art Without Borders
In response to sheltering at home, we invite you to view and enjoy our first online only exhibition. Aside from the xenophobic sentiments expressed by certain Washingtonians, the rest of the world has been generally united in this battle against a common enemy. In solidarity with all the people of the world, this show features art […]
Enjoy our first online only exhibition Art Without Borders!
Le Malade by Lionel St. Eloi, Circa 1980, Oil on Canvas, 44 × 36 A R T W I T H O U T B O R D E R S In response to sheltering at home, we invite you to view and enjoy our first online only exhibition. Aside from the xenophobic […]
The Fantastic Vision of Alejandro Salazar Opening Reception Saturday, August 25th 4-7pm
Figure Birthing by Alejandro Salazar, 2017, Oil on Canvas, 24 x 30 The Fantastic Vision of Alejandro Salazar OPENING RECEPTION: Saturday, August 25th 4-7pm // EXHIBITION : August 25th – October 6th, 2018 Calabi Gallery is excited to present “The Fantastic Vision of Alejandro Salazar!” Born and raised in Colima, Mexico, Salazar has been widely exhibited throughout the United […]