“Mixed Bag” Extension + Save the Date 12/3/22
Valley Oak Branch with Lace Lichen by Lucy Martin, 2021, Gouache & Watercolor, 29 x 22 M I X E D B A G * NOW EXTENDED THROUGH NOVEMBER 26th * “Mixed Bag” has been extended through November 26th, 2022. This strong reflection of the gallery’s eclectic nature features some new work by gallery artists, […]
Don Martin & other Masters of California Post-War Art
Don Martin’s art is far too unique and varied to be categorized. Living and working in Mexico in the fifties, in Venice, CA, in part of the sixties, and finally on a farm near Santa Cruz for the remainder of his life, the places and times influenced his work, but his styles and choices of […]
A World of Art
We are displaying an eclectic mix of art from various times and places, in many media. Included are works by Paul Beattie, Hans Burkhardt, Rafael Canoga, Easton, Claire Falkenstein, Karen Green, Charles H. Howard, Sutter Marin, Michael McCabe, Mary Fuller McChesney, Robert Pearson McChesney, Louis Earnest Nadalini, Pablo Picasso, Louis Siegriest, the late great James Spitzer, Seymour Tubis, Elisabeth […]